About Me

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Please see my "About Me" page. Want to contact me? E-mail: Dosk01(at)y7mail(dot)com

Monday, 14 January 2013

It’s been a long road.

It’s been a little over ten years since I first sat down and envisioned the story that would (happily so) consume the next decade of my life. It started out as scribbles and a few drawings and nothing like the adventure that it turned into.

The story suffered from several notable setbacks ranging from floppy disc breakages, hard drive meltdowns, the inevitable writers block, a very large amount “I hate this damn story”, some shonky editors and publishers and numerous other things that delayed it and set it back but everything really drove me to this moment and this version of the story; something very different from what I started to write ten years ago and something, in my opinion, much better and worth the wait.

It didn't start out as a trilogy, in fact I specifically didn't want it to be a trilogy, but the story grew and the characters grew and in the end it got very big and complex and, under some competent advisement, I changed my mind and cut my beloved story into three.

Now available through the Published Works Page is the first book in my Zicastor Trilogy: Weapons of War. Soon it will be available worldwide. And that’s a fairly daunting prospect for a fellow like me.   


  1. I found your book to be an excellent read and am looking forward to Book 2!

  2. Kudos, Shaun! Good on your for sticking at it.
