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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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Monday, 12 September 2011

Has it been a week already?

What a week it was. I learned that I should stick to writing and steer well clear of touching things with engines!
It’s difficult to find time to write with life getting in the way, so I’ve pulled this story, Tylyn, from the archives. It was originally written over twelve years ago, loooong before I even owned a computer. While difficult to read my scrawl it was eventually transferred to electronic medium.  Recently I tweaked it a little and sent it off for a short story competition.  And that’s where that story ends – while no luck in that comp, it hasn’t swayed me from writing.
The plot is one of the oldest in history but I’ve tried to twist it by telling it in a narrative of flashbacks and present day, merging together
This time round we’re delving deep into outer space where, as far as Hollywood is concerned, untold dangers await. Why change a good thing!?  Amidst the confusion of a hostile alien invasion two friends fight side by side to stem the tide of the alien advance. While both battle the enemy, one is forced to fight his feelings as the woman both men love is put in harm’s way.

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