About Me

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Please see my "About Me" page. Want to contact me? E-mail: Dosk01(at)y7mail(dot)com

Friday, 30 September 2011

And now for something completely different.

Well kids it’s been a long week and this is coming a little late due to slaving over household renovations and a small dose of ‘meh’ on my part.
“Are we coming to the end?” I hear you say. “Is this ‘meh’ boredom or even an excuse to elongate the process because he’s running out of stories?”
“NEVER!” I scream back. Perhaps a little too loudly. Even as we speak I’m churning out pages of awesomeness the world has never seen.  Are you laughing at my display of perhaps ill timed confidence?
Laugh away then...on the other side of your face!! Stories flow from me like water over Niagara Falls and someone is bound to love one of them!
So onto today’s story. It’s a little different to what you’ve read so far. This is a true story that I heard from a work colleague which I just had to write down with my own little spin. Cocky and Needle in this story are based on actual pets. Cocky being the focus of the story and Needle being based on my grandfather’s dog. Every Australian can identify with Wally, the stern faced Aussie farmer with the soft heart.
And with the hope that it brings back some childhood memory of characters that you may have known, enjoy.

Monday, 19 September 2011

A long literary party!!

Well here we go again. Where will it end? Will it end? Or is it just a long literary party with no end to its glory. I don’t know and nor do I want to either. As long I can churn them out I’m going to place them here for all to enjoy or hate or look at with mild indifference.
This is my homage to HP Lovecraft. The creatures that he creates are fantastic, bizarre and truly scary. He is the only author that has ever really scared me as I have read his work. With this story I tried to create beings that would live in Lovecraft’s mind; they may not be as horrifying as the ones Lovecraft could envision, but they are certainly bizarre.  I have thrown these creatures and my poor protagonist into a story that is more my style of writing.
So without further ado this week’s story is a dark and twisted tale of horror; is there any other kind?

Monday, 12 September 2011

Has it been a week already?

What a week it was. I learned that I should stick to writing and steer well clear of touching things with engines!
It’s difficult to find time to write with life getting in the way, so I’ve pulled this story, Tylyn, from the archives. It was originally written over twelve years ago, loooong before I even owned a computer. While difficult to read my scrawl it was eventually transferred to electronic medium.  Recently I tweaked it a little and sent it off for a short story competition.  And that’s where that story ends – while no luck in that comp, it hasn’t swayed me from writing.
The plot is one of the oldest in history but I’ve tried to twist it by telling it in a narrative of flashbacks and present day, merging together
This time round we’re delving deep into outer space where, as far as Hollywood is concerned, untold dangers await. Why change a good thing!?  Amidst the confusion of a hostile alien invasion two friends fight side by side to stem the tide of the alien advance. While both battle the enemy, one is forced to fight his feelings as the woman both men love is put in harm’s way.

Monday, 5 September 2011

A new week, a new story

Well, by now you've all had time to peruse my first two short stories posted last week. I hope you enjoyed them? Someone asked me just how did Fallujah end; well it's up to your own interpretation. I won't go on in case you haven't read it yet and now feel intensely curious and have to read it for yourself.

This week’s story is one of the few times when I’ve woken up and remembered my dream of the previous night. This dream was so vivid in my head that I had to write it down. I remember being the third person in this story watching it from the sidelines as the Invisible Man, unable to stop the killer or even shout a warning for the poor victim (but I’ve said too much).

So read on, you’re curious aren’t you? It will only take a second (no, really it will!). I once heard that dreams only last an average of seven seconds so it can’t be too long, can it?

I’d love to hear whatever feedback you have, so please leave a comment and if you’re so inclined become a follower.

Thanks to all you avid readers and supporters.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

My new Blog!

OK, so now the blog is up and running and there are two heart-wrenching, bowel-churning, stories up there to let you all know just what I’ve been up to for the last few years.
Which honestly hasn’t been much.
But still get in there and read them and keep coming back because as I write them they’ll keep appearing here and you never know how deeply one might affect you.
You might weep. You might laugh. You might want to kill me for writing such tacky rubbish but either way I have elicited an emotion from you and isn’t that the greatest thing that anyone can do for you.
No. I didn’t think so either.
Start reading!