Well this time around I have a valid excuse for my lack of blogging.
I have just recently returned from a mammoth 4 week trip around the Northern
Cape of Queensland, sadly it was for work only but still it was an awesome
experience and I got to see tons of Australia that many people just never get
to see.
Which brings me to today’s story. It’s a bittersweet tale
that I thought up on the many hours spent driving through the Australian bush. It
has been described as having a Dreamtime feel, so perhaps it was subliminally supplied
by one of the Aboriginal communities that I got to see along the way.
Seriously, in truth, it’s nothing so precious. I’m sure you know that anyone who has gone on
a long road trip in Australia will see the unfortunate creatures that do not
survive the crossing of a road. As I saw at least one dead animal for every two
kilometres of road outside of townships, on a trip nearly 5000 kilometres long,
I was forced to wonder about how deeply the emotions of the animals run when a
family member or mate is taken.
Some common Australian animals are used in this story. I
have used Aboriginal names for them. There is a glossary at the end of the story
to help.
Enjoy The Road!